Crème Brûlée Overdrive Boost
A legendary boost circuit, served up extra creamy
The Creme Brulee Boost makes your lead tones sing and your rhythm tones warm and fat. It started life as a recreation of the most sought after boost of all time, then we added a slight bump in the midrange to make it extra creamy. Think Warren Haynes/David Grissom. The Creme Brulee doesn't take anything away from your natural tone, it sounds like an extension of your amp. You might never shut it off!
The Creme Brulee has three knobs: Gain, Treble, and Output. With Gain at zero and Treble at 50%, you can use the Output control to provide a clean boost that sounds three dimensional and alive. Dial in a little Gain and Treble for a gentle and natural "in between" overdrive tone, like a vintage tweed amp running its power tubes hot. Turn the Gain up high with the Treble up halfway or higher for a 70's/80's crunch. Mix any of these tones together with your amp's own overdrive for liquid lead tones.
“Bought this pedal in search of the best Klon alt. Out of the 5 kolnes I have I must say the Creme Brulee is my absolute favorite! I just love the tones I get out of it - not even trying to make it sound like the $5K mythical creature. I wish I had purchased it a long time ago”
“Excellent overdrive that outperforms most of its competitors irregardless of price. This is one of the very rare instances where the hype is amply justified. Whether it sounds like a Klon or not is for the purists to decide however this is quite simply a wonderful OD that will sounds great with any rig.”
“Sounds great, not even just for the price, but truly great period.”
“This is one of those pedals you just click on, set your tone and never turn it off. Sounded great at the front of my chain. It gave just the right amount of “umph” to push through my rig and give me that top end I needed. Love it!”
“This pedal is fantastic, alone or pushing another, it’s got great tone. As the other reviewers have mentioned, it’s a must have and it’s staying on my board.”